World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2018

On the Fourth Sunday of Pascha let us all beseech our Lord, the High Priest, to encourage those discerning His call and grant them the courage to accept His will and further their education in the seminary, embarking on the path to the priesthood.

O Lord God, in every age, You invite men and women to hear Your call to serve You and the Church. We bow before You now, asking that You call forth more persons to serve our Melkite Church in America. Give us priests, deacons, monks and nuns, who will lead and guide your holy people. By Your will, bless us with vocations so that we continue to be the church which You called us to be, centuries ago. Let all hear Your voice inviting them to care for and serve Your people. Strengthen us in being disciples of Jesus Christ, Your Only-begotten Son and fishers of men. Inspire in us the spirit and pride of Antioch, our holy heritage. We ask You, O Lover of mankind, to raise up men and women who appreciate what they have received from You and who want to be generous in their service, willing to offer their lives and all their gifts, to serve others and to give You glory, thanksgiving and worship, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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